

Failure Analysis Testing
When a product or device fails, you need to know why. Root cause failure analysis helps a business get to the source of a product failure. More importantly, it provides the manufacturer with the information needed to address and correct the issue causing the failure.

Root cause failure analysis is usually a multidisciplinary process. The tools NTS uses during an analysis include visual inspections, metallographic, environmental and chemical analysis and simulation tests. The specific tests utilized depend on the type of product and the failure mode. Root cause failure examinations are designed to determine the cause of the failure and the corrective actions needed to prevent it. However, product failure can be a complicated process. In our experience, device failure is rarely due to a single event.

The physical signs of failure, such as a cracked metal component or a malfunctioning electronic device, are the most obvious. However these signs are often little more than symptoms of failure. NTS looks for the root cause of the failure.


Failure Analysis Testing

Potential causes of a device failure may include:

Product design
Manufacturing processes
Contamination of the source materials
Product packaging
Product storage
Improper Handling
Determining the root cause of a failure is a three-part process.

Step 1: Data Collection
The first step in a root cause failure analysis is data collection. During this step, NTS will collect information about how the device failed and when it occurred. We will also work with you to determine your goals for the failure analysis examination, determine how the part should operate, and consult with additional subject matter experts, if needed.

The type and breadth of questions we ask during this step can be surprising to an organization that has not performed failure analysis previously. Some of the information important to collect during this phase includes:

What are the steps of the manufacturing process?
What is involved in each process step?
What are all of the components in the device?
What are the specific component’s purposes?
What are the ways in which each of these components could fail?
How severe is the impact of these potential failures?
What types of device failures are actually occurring?
At what point does a failure affect the device’s function?
What is the likelihood device failures are noticed before they reach the consumer?
What is the history of the failed unit?
What is the occurrence of failures?
During this phase, we will conduct tests on the product being analyzed. It is common to test a representative sample of failed devices as well as those that are working properly. This can help to determine what components are failing and when the failure occurs.

Whenever possible, we prefer non-destructive tests in the failure analysis testing. This tends to provide the most accurate data and is more economically efficient for the customer. Sometimes the failure analysis requires cross-sections of the material or perform thermal testing. In these cases, we perform these tests later in the data collection process.

Step 2: Analyze Data Collected to Determine Root Cause Failure
The next step in the failure analysis process is to determine the root cause of the failure. Device failure is rarely the result of a single incident. Our experience has shown there are multiple inputs into even a “simple” failure. This indicates there are often different ways to prevent the failure in the future.

Consider this example of an electronic device failure. An organization has received customer complaints of a device short circuiting periodically and contracts with NTS to conduct a root cause failure analysis. Electronic failure analysis tests show the component short circuits because depending on where the metal in the part is located the metal used is of the wrong hardness.

Step 3: Determining Corrective Actions
For most organizations, determining corrective actions is the most important part of a root cause failure analysis. When you use NTS for root cause failure analysis, you will receive a comprehensive report on both the causes and effects of device failure. NTS may also provide recommendations for correcting problems.

Reducing Device Failure

Many of the recommendations for correcting a problem are small changes that can have a significant impact. Small changes in how source materials and product components are tested, treated and stored can significantly reduce device failure.

In other cases, we find that failure occurs when customers use a device for too long or in the wrong operating conditions. In these cases, our recommendations might include additional product education for marketing and sales staff. These employees can then provide this information to customers. This prevents device failures from improper use or application.

We can also help you to determine whether corrective action is necessary. Some organizations may decide the economic costs of correcting rare product failure is unnecessary. If device failure is rare and has minimal consequences, replacing failed components may be more cost effective than changing the manufacturing process. Failure analysis testing can provide you with knowledge needed to make an informed decision.

Failure Analysis Tests
Root cause failure analysis uses a variety of tests to determine the true source of a product failure. These tests are divided into two categories: non-destructive tests, which keep a product intact; and destructive tests, which require the product to be altered in order to examine cross-sections or thermal behavior.

NTS begins its analysis with non-destructive analysis (NDA) as these tests are intended to prevent further damage to the product. Starting with NDA is generally more cost-effective. This is also the preferred method to preserve evidence of the failure mode.

Sample Testing Procedures Conducted by NTS Laboratories
Visual Examination    Non-Destructive
Optical Microscopy    Non-Destructive
Scanning Acoustic Microscopy    Non-Destructive
2D / 3D X-Ray Radiography    Non-Destructive
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy    Non-Destructive
Curve Trace / Electrical Inspection    Non-Destructive
Contamination Analysis    Non-Destructive
Thermal Analysis    Destructive
Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA)    Destructive
Cross-section Analysis    Destructive
All of the NTS laboratories are equipped for a wide range of test capabilities and are Internationally Accredited for both non-destructive testing methods like X-rays and microscopy, and destructive tests like contamination analysis and thermal analysis.

Printed Circuit Board Failure Analysis
Printed Circuit Boards

Most electronics manufactured today rely on printed circuit boards (PCB). From children’s toys to advanced computers, PCB’s are critical for many electronics. However, many printed circuit boards fail during the manufacturing process.

NTS’s PCB failure analysis can help an organization determine why its circuit boards are failing and how to resolve the issue. Root cause failure testing for circuit boards is a holistic process that can help you find more answers than a simple spot check.

We work with a variety of different printed circuit boards. In the past, NTS has performed root cause failure examinations on single-sided, double-sided, multi-layer circuit boards, flex, and high frequency/PTFE boards including buries and blind via holes structures.

Some of the tests that we use during a PCB failure examination include:

Cross-section analysis
Solderability testing
PCB contamination testing
X-ray Inspection
NTS’s failure analysis goes beyond simply identifying the cause of the problem. We can help you find ways to improve the product and correct faults during the PCB manufacturing process.

Electronic Component Failure Analysis
Electronic components and hardware failure can occur during many phases of a product’s lifecycle. Along with problems during the product design and manufacturing stage, electronic components can fail because of issues with:

We use both non-destructive and destructive tests to determine the root cause of electronic component failures. Our electronic components technicians work with a wide variety of tools and software to choose the right test techniques for your products.

NTS failure analysis examinations of electronic components often use signal generators, sniffers and vector signal analyzers. We also use microscopy, X-ray, and contamination analysis where necessary. NTS testers can also test for hardware failure during installation and operation using a variety of languages and operating platforms.

Electronic Device Failure Analysis
Determining the root cause of electronic device failure is often more difficult than determining root cause failure for other objects. Interactions between software and hardware, it’s important to find a laboratory that is skilled in electronic device failure analysis.

plastic failure analysis

NTS laboratories are equipped to diagnose both software and hardware problems that occur during electronic device failure. We consider ourselves tool agnostic. That means that we’ll select the tools and tests that are suitable for analyzing your specific device.

Our staff is experienced in developing electronic device tests in C/C++, Java and Python, among other languages. We also use a wide range of electrical device tools such as IBM Rational Robot, Borland Silk Test and National Instruments’ LabView. Our website on hardware and software testing has more information about NTS laboratories’ capacity in this area.

We go beyond simply meeting the standards for electronic hardware failure testing. NTS laboratories are sought out to help create the best practices for it. NTS has worked closely with several standards groups to develop failure analysis tools for electronic components

Metal Failure Analysis
Metal failure can have a big impact on products across the supply chain. From contamination and corrosion that causes medical equipment to fail to stress failures that affect structural integrity, metal failure can have major consequences. It’s estimated metal corrosion alone accounts for nearly $300 billion in economic losses each year.

NTS’ root cause failure testing for metals can help your organization determine why metal components are failing and how to fix the issue. We provide metal testing for clients in a wide variety of industries, including:

Consumer products
Failure Analysis is a complex process that relies on a variety of techniques. Our state-of-the-art data acquisition tools help us determine the cause of metal failure quickly and help you determine solutions to fix the problem. We regularly perform corrosion studies, impact tests and fatigue testing on metal components. NTS can also create custom testing chambers and fixtures for failure testing of oversized metal components.

NTS is experienced in developing custom testing programs that comply with both national and international certification standards. NTS labs are ISO-17025 accredited for root cause failure testing of metal products.

Plastic / Composite Failure Analysis
Plastics can fail in many different ways. Plastic products can fail from stress fractures, fatigue, material degradation and contamination. Plastic products can also fail in less-serious ways: discoloration and distortion can both affect the integrity of plastic products. Determining the exact cause of plastic failure requires a range of tests and a broad knowledge of polymers.

Root cause testing for plastic failures follows a similar process to that used for metal failure analysis. Plastic failure analysis can be more complex, because plastics often contain additives like plasticizers, colorants and reinforcing fillers. As a result, failure testing for plastic products often requires specialized testing of the molecular and chemical structures in plastics.

NTS’ labs are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for plastic failure analysis. We use non-destructive testing techniques like microscopy and spectroscopic analysis wherever possible.

NTS provides root cause failure analysis for plastic consumer goods as well as industrial components for the aerospace and defense industries. Whether the failure occurs in manufacturing or after production, we focus on identifying the cause of the failure quickly and developing a solution to prevent further product failures.

Contamination Analysis
If there are contaminants in the supply chain, it is essential to control them quickly. However, identifying contaminants can be a time-consuming process that requires major resources.

NTS lab’s contamination analysis and identification can help you find contamination that leads to product failure. The process we use to identify contaminants depends on the product, the type of contamination and the client’s goals.

Types of contamination analysis we typically conduct include:

Identifying the type and source of foreign particles in a product
Determining the level at which a contaminant affects product integrity
Tracing the source of contamination and developing corrective plans
As contamination is often a multi-faceted problem, we use a multi-disciplinary approach to our contamination analysis.

NTS is an accredited failure analysis specialist. We hold ISO 17025 and A2LA accreditations specifically for Root Cause Failure Analysis. This means that our laboratories meet high standards for testing and calibration, and the tests we conduct are accepted by a wide variety of suppliers and regulatory authorities.

Contact us today to help with your failure analysis testing needs.

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8D問題解決法(Eight Disciplines Problem Solving)

Eight Disciplines,但後來擴充初始規劃階段。8D遵循PDCA循環的邏輯



D2:描述問題:通過可量化的方式(5W2H) 層別問題,包括問題的人員、內容、地點、時間、原因、方式和數量(who, what, where, when, why, how, and how many)







參考文獻: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_disciplines_problem_solving



8D Report


8D 方法使用結構化的八步法來解決問題。目標是直面問題並發現管理系統中導致問題首先發生的弱點。8D 流程的輸出是 8D 報告。
8D 報告中的步驟也稱為“學科”,因此得名 8D 報告。步驟是:


8D 程序用於解決精確的問題。該方法基於團隊合作解決問題。團隊合作必須協調和引導。該團隊應僅包括積極參與該過程並在後續步驟中被分配任務或責任的合格人員。高效的團隊通常規模不大。




在這個 8D 報告步驟中,我們嘗試限制問題範圍並保護我們的客戶。臨時遏制措施是一種“急救”,可以保護客戶免受問題的影響,直到我們確定根本原因並實施永久性糾正措施。遏制行動不得引入任何新問題。它們必須用精確的信息(產品代碼、批號、日期等)仔細記錄。然後可以使用此信息來驗證所執行操作的有效性。


為了有效防止問題再次發生,我們必須找到問題的根本原因並消除它。在極少數情況下,根本原因可能不止一個。為了確定根本原因,需要進行系統的、有據可查的分析。每個可能的原因都應該根據問題描述和測試數據進行測試。根本原因通常被其他原因所掩蓋,並且很難找到。在分析過程中可以使用許多方法。例如,is /is not、5 Whys、Ishikawa Fishbone 等。


糾正措施的目標是消除根本原因並防止問題再次發生。如果採取了良好的糾正措施,我們將永遠不必為此問題編寫另一份 8D 報告。在這一步中,我們專注於已經出現的特定事件或問題。必須仔細記錄糾正措施。對於每項行動,應確定負責人,並應選擇計劃實施行動的日期。行動完成後,應記錄實際實施日期和結果。對於確定的每個根本原因,通常需要採取許多糾正措施。


此 8D 報告步驟的目的是驗證步驟 5D 中採取的措施是否已消除根本原因。如果我們發現根本原因沒有完全消除,那麼我們必須指出額外的措施。有時需要返回到步驟 4D 中的根本原因分析並重複該循環。


乍一看,此步驟與步驟 5D 非常相似。8D Report 中這兩個步驟的區別在於我們執行它們的原因和最終目標。步驟 5D 中的操作旨在防止現有問題再次發生。相比之下,預防措施可消除潛在問題的原因並防止其發生。7D 行動是主動的,面向未來的潛在事件。行動通常基於 FMEA 分析的結果或對負面趨勢的觀察。通常,具體問題會鼓勵我們考慮同一產品上可能出現的其他問題,或者其他產品或過程中可能出現的相同問題。


在 8D 流程的最後是認可團隊努力和特殊團隊成員貢獻的時候。這也是記錄經驗教訓的一個好點。這是冠軍向那些幫助解決這個問題的人表示感謝的機會。

參考文獻: https://www.8dreport.com/articles/8d-report/

8D report 格式說明


8D report 是組裝業界最常用的『問題分析與解決』的工具,它通常被用在回覆客戶的投訴案件報告上,所謂【8D】是【8  disciplines process (八個紀律作業程序)】的簡寫,按照規定的步驟順序,可以幫助你並讓你的客戶一步一步的了解,問題是如何發現或發生的、如何分析問題並找到真正的原因、採取哪些預防措施來解決問題、並驗證問題真的解決了。其實這跟 QC Story 非常像,只是名詞有點不同罷了,精神是一樣的,都是建立一套系統來釐清問題並解決。
8D report 的樣式非常多,但基本上方法大同小異,只要抓到節奏及重點就可以了,底下就8D report 的內容大致說明如下,篇幅有限,如果去品質學會上課可以花5~6個鐘頭:
Discipline 1. Form the Team
D1-第一步驟: 建立解決問題小組。 
  • 品管部(Quality Assurance):通常是小組召集人,負責回答客戶的問題。
  • 製程部(process):負責找出製程當中哪裡出了問題。
  • 測試部(Testing):尋找為何無法由測試方法測出有問題的產品。
  • 生產部(Production):配合工程師的要求,作實驗或是收集數據,以利問題的發現並協助執行解決方案。
Discipline 2. Describe the Problem
D2-第二步驟: 描述問題。 
運用5W1H(Who, What, Where,When, Why, How),向團隊說明問題是在何時、何地、發生了什麽事、嚴重程度、目前狀態、如何緊急處理,如果可以的話盡量展示相關的照片和收集到的證物。把自己比擬為 CSI犯罪現場的鑑視人員,將所有的證物、細節描述的越清楚,團隊就能越快進入狀況,解決問題的速度也會越快。

Discipline 3. Contain the Problem
D3-第三步驟: 暫時性對策。 當問題發生時,不論問題找到與否,都必須要先止血,所以會先採取一些必要的暫時性的措施。比如說如何在客戶端幫忙篩選出有問題的產品,或者是更換良品給客戶,讓客戶可以繼續生產或是出貨。在製造端應該要先採取措施防止問題產品繼續發生或出到客戶的手上,例如更換機器生產、加嚴篩選、全檢、將自動改爲手動、庫存清查等等。暫時對策決定後,應立刻交由團隊成員帶回執行,並隨時回報成效。
Discipline 4. Identify the Root Cause D4-第四步驟: 找出問題真正原因。 可以運用QC手法的【要因分析圖(魚骨圖)】,就人(員)、工(製程)、(來)料、機(器)、量(測)、及環(境)等六個面向,逐步檢討找出問題可能發生的原因,仔細比較、分析問題發生的前、候變動的狀況,比如說人員是否變動?作業手法是否更動?廠商來料是否變更?治具是否更換?跟環境的溫度、溼度是否相關?經驗告訴我們,日常作業的資料收集越是齊全的工廠,找到真正問題的速度就越快,例如有日常修理報表,Cpk(統計製程),良率及時通報系統..等。也可以運用『實驗計畫』找出最佳製。
Discipline 5. Formulate and Verify Corrective Actions D5-第五步驟: 選擇永久對策。 找到造成問題的主要原因後,即可開始擬出對策的方法。對策的方法也許有好幾種,例如修理或更新模具。試試對可能的選擇列出其優缺點,要花多少錢?多少人力?能持續多久? 再對可能的方法作一最佳的選擇,並且確認這樣的對策方法不會産生其他副作用。
Discipline 6. Correct the Problem and Confirm the Effects D6-第六步驟: 執行及驗證永久對策。

Discipline 7. Prevent the Problem D7-第七步驟: 防止類似問題再發生。

Discipline 8. Congratulate the Team D8-第八步驟: 感謝團隊。


A systematic approach to nonconformity management and continuous improvements are the key elements of every management system.

8D methodology uses a structured eight step approach to problem solving. The objective is to face the problem and discover the weaknesses in the management systems that permitted the problem to occur in the first place. The output of an 8D process is an 8D report.

The steps in 8D Report are also called “disciplines,” hence the name 8D Report. The steps are:

1D: Team Formation
8D procedures are used for solving exact problems. The approach is based on a team working together to solve a problem. Teamwork must be coordinated and guided. The team should include only competent persons actively involved in the process and who have been assigned a task or responsibility in subsequent steps. Efficient teams are usually not big.

2D: Problem Description
The more clearly the problem is defined the more likely it will be resolved. Problem solving must be based on facts, not opinions. It is important to clarify the issue type, what is wrong, when did it happen, how big the failure extent is and how many times has it happened. The description must be specific and easy to understand. If possible, a supposed cause should be specified. A complete problem description offers the team directions to solve the problem and helps them prioritize tasks. For example, the fact that defective products were already sent to a customer is very important in deciding which containment actions to take and in prioritizing those actions.

Good description is a foundation for later problem solving.

3D: Interim Containment Actions
In this 8D Report step we try to limit the problem extent and protect our customer. Interim containment actions are a “first aid” that protects the customer from the problem until we define the root cause and implement permanent corrective actions.

Containment actions must not introduce any new problems. They have to be carefully documented with precise information (product codes, lot numbers, dates, etc.). This information can then be used to verify effectiveness of performed actions.

4D: Root Cause Analysis
To effectively prevent a problem from occurring again we have to find the root cause of this problem and remove it. In rare situations there could be more than one root cause. To identify the root cause, a systematic and well-documented analysis is needed. Each possible cause should be tested against the problem description and test data. Root cause is often hidden by other causes and can be hard to find. There are many methods that can be used during the analysis. For example, is /is not, 5 Whys, Ishikawa Fishbone and others.

5D: Corrective Actions
The goal of corrective actions is to remove the root cause and prevent the problem from ever happening again. If good corrective actions have been taken we should never have to write another 8D report for this problem. In this step we are concentrated on a specific event or problem that has already arisen.

The corrective actions have to be carefully documented. For each action a responsible person should be identified and the date when the action is planned to be implemented should be selected. When an action has been finished the actual date of implementation and results should be recorded.

For each root cause identified there are usually many corrective actions needed.

6D: Verification of Corrective Actions
The purpose of this 8D Report step is to verify if the actions taken in step 5D have removed the root cause. If we discover that the root cause has not been completely removed, then we have to point out additional measures. It is sometimes necessary to return to root cause analysis in step 4D and repeat the cycle.

7D: Preventive Actions
At first glance this step is very similar to step 5D . The difference between these two steps in 8D Report is in the reason why we perform them and in final goal. Actions in step 5D are meant to prevent an existing problem from happening again. In contrast, preventive actions remove causes for a potential problem and prevent it from ever happening. 7D actions are proactive and oriented towards a potential event in the future.

Actions are usually based on results of FMEA analysis or observations of negative trends. Often, concrete problems encourage us to think about other problems that could arise on the same product or about the same problem arising on another product or process.

8D: Team and individual recognition
At the end of an 8D process is the time to recognize the team efforts and special team member contributions. This is also a good point to document lessons learned.

This is a chance for the Champion to express thanks to those who have helped in dealing with this problem.


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(1) 檢查表(Check Sheets)- 資料之分類、蒐集
(2) 要因分析圖(Cause-effect Diagram)- 品質問題之因果關係與系統整理
(3) 柏拉圖(Pareto Analysis)- 重點之掌握
(4) 直方圖(Histogram)- 變異之掌握
(5) 管制圖(Control Charts)- 品質特性之監控
(6) 層別法/流程圖(Stratification Analysis/Flowchart)- 資料分析/工作程序之瞭解與掌握
(7) 散佈圖(Scatter Diagram)- 兩種資料間之相關性分析




Step1 運用查檢表來收集數據。
Step2 運用柏拉圖、直方圖、管制圖、散佈圖來分析數據,找出問題點。
Step3 運用層別法、特性要因圖來進行要因分析。
Step4 檢討及實施改善對策。
Step5 再從柏拉圖來確認改善成效,或運用管制圖來作更深一層的改善,設定改善目標。
Step6 需持續追蹤數據,管理流程。



1. https://isoedisonwang.pixnet.net/blog/post/42681310QUP3

2. https://reurl.cc/0jjdo6


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안녕! (大家好!)



2014-05-03 11.16.51_副本  










我也是在去年才認識 "佛手瓜" ~於竹崎獨立山,一位邊上賣菜的婆婆推薦的當季菜~









上網找資料,找到美食鳳味 20130617 素炒粿仔條 佛手瓜魚頭湯 part2

附上網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS5RHJYEGSs



兩顆佛手瓜(選女生手掌大小,皮膚滑亮,才是嫩瓜): 時價 6顆50元

半顆鮭魚頭(大小自抓): 時價 177元

2014-05-03 18.31.58_副本  








1.佛手瓜前處理: 去皮或不去皮皆可,老瓜的去皮~不然會吃到皮渣渣。




2014-05-03 18.34.49_副本  





2014-05-03 18.34.4941_副本  







  2014-05-03 11.16.51_副本  






(知識來源: 安全農業入口網 > 食令農情 > 營養高熱量低-龍鬚菜 http://agsafe.coa.gov.tw/blogpage/p/131)

GMeiMei's World 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2014-04-23 14.33.01  













連結如下: http://blog.iset.com.tw/delicious/?p=3158











































  (有人會問,如果沒有這些工具怎麼辦? 我會說,那就不用加阿~)
  (你問我有加了沒有比較香? )












呵呵呵~ 大家有空來試試吧!!



(( 改進: 下次紅棗會想要加少一點~我覺得湯偏甜了~但還是好喝又好吃~~~~ ))









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